Services for Private Teachers

Teachers who provide music tuition privately cater for many students. In many cases, this is the student’s first formal encounter with music education in Ireland. The importance of your role in music education in Ireland is crucial. Despite this, it is often a lonely occupation, as you may not have any colleagues with whom to discuss ideas or share stories. Although so much can be accessed online and achieved through social media, it’s always helps to have a different perspective on interpreting it. Access to resources may also prove challenging as well as finding courses to continue your own professional development. Music Literacy Ireland was founded with you as practitioner in mind. Why not sign up to MLI’s mailing list to keep informed about workshops that are coming near you or contact MLI by phone if you would prefer information in the post.

Currently we are running all courses online in small groups or 1-1 tuition
MLI offers two types of workshops: general workshops and tailor-made workshops. General workshops will be offered at different levels. All information is listed in advance with the fee so you know what to expect and can decide if it suits your needs. Tailor-made workshops are designed around your needs. These workshops are subject to a minimum number of people (see FAQs). In this case, perhaps you and teachers in your locality would be interested in coming together.

Contact MLI if you are interested in learning more.

Are these workshops for me?
if you are interested in:

  • Feeling part of a community
  • Meeting like-minded teachers
  • Addressing certain aspects about music or music teaching
  • Having teaching support
  • A new approach to theory and musicianship
  • Progressing musically
  • Refreshing your knowledge
  • Avoiding common errors in tuition and exams
  • If you are new to teaching

Why choose MLI?

  • Broad experience: broad experience across music education sectors means knowing where gaps are and what you need to know to succeed. MLI is aware of common errors in tuition and what is needed to pursue music beyond graded exams.
  • Relevant content: content of workshops will be listed in advance so you know if it is suitable to your needs. Where workshops are tailor-made this will be negotiated directly with you and fellow teachers (such workshops are subject to a minimum number).
  • Accessibility: MLI believes in bringing quality workshops to committed music teachers who otherwise have little access to resources in their locality.
  • Cert: a certificate of attendance/participation.
  • Convenient locations: MLI travels to a location near you.
  • Date and time: Where possible, MLI will work around dates and times that suit you.
  • Save time and money: save travel time and money otherwise spent on transport or accommodation to attend workshops in cities.
  • Investment: invest in skills and knowledge that help you be your best professionally.