Pre-3rd-Level Course

Ideal for those wishing to pursue music at 3rd level, this course prepares you for the transition from music at 2nd-level/private practice to 3rd-level. Delivered by an experienced music educator, Majella Boland has substantial experience designing and coordinating core modules such as theory and musicianship for 1st-year undergraduates and working with students on any challenges that may arise. Majella has also set and marked BMus entrance exams, and over a 13-year period has tutored, lectured, and examined musicianship, keyboard harmony, theory & analysis, and musicology at a number of 3rd-level music departments.

What’s included:

  • What to expect from music at 3rd-level
  • Revision of fundamental theory and musicianship
  • Getting the most from your degree
  • The benefits of studying a music degree.

For more information, contact:, message MLI on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or call 085 271 93 41.